Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

Ratapan Pahlawan Devisa

"Derita'' sudah menjadi hal biasa bagi para tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) yang mengadu nasib di negeri Arab. Mereka memilih jalan sebagai TKI demi menafkahi keluarga di Tanah Air.

Sayangnya, langkah mereka itu menghasilkan penderitaan ketika mereka harus hidup di bawah kolong jembatan beton selama bertahun-tahun. Kisah TKI yang mengalami tindakan kekerasan ataupun pelecahan seksual sudah menjadi cerita bersambung yang terus berulang tanpa ada tindakan dan penyelesaian. Kalau sudah begini, upah kerja yang tidak seberapa besarnya menjadi tidak setimpal dengan penderitaan yang harus mereka bawa pulang.

Untuk melepas penderitaan berkepanjangan yang dialami oleh para TKI, akhirnya pemerintah melalui Badan Nasional Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (BNP2TKI) mengirim KM Labobar Pelni ke Jeddah, Arab Saudi.

Tugas BNP2TKI adalah membawa pulang para WNI dan TKI yang tinggal lebih lama dari izin visa (overstay) serta para TKI yang bermasalah.

Saat KM Labobar bersandar di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, petugas BNP2TKI mendata ada 2.163 orang TKI dewasa dan 93 balita yang diangkut oleh kapal tersebut. TKI dewasa tersebut terdiri dari 31 orang laki-laki dan 2.132 orang perempuan, termasuk 123 orang di antaranya sedang dalam keadaan hamil.

Sungguh menyedihkan nasib para pahlawan devisa ini. Banyak di antara mereka berucap, mereka bertekad tidak akan menjejakkan kaki kembali ke jazirah Arab. Mereka pun berharap pemerintah lebih memikirkan nasib orang kecil seperti mereka dengan menyediakan lapangan pekerjaan yang layak di Tanah Air.
Setelah kembali di Tanah Air, semoga penderitaan TKI tidak berlanjut.              

Senin, 13 Januari 2014


Interjection is a big name for a little word. Interjections are short exclamations like Oh!, Um or Ah!They have no real grammatical value but we use them quite often, usually more in speaking than in writing. When interjections are inserted into a sentence, they have no grammatical connection to the sentence. An interjection is sometimes followed by an exclamation mark (!) when written.
The table below shows some interjections with examples.
ahexpressing pleasure"Ah, that feels good."
expressing realization"Ah, now I understand."
expressing resignation"Ah well, it can't be heped."
expressing surprise"Ah! I've won!"
alasexpressing grief or pity"Alas, she's dead now."
dearexpressing pity"Oh dear! Does it hurt?"
expressing surprise"Dear me! That's a surprise!"
ehasking for repetition"It's hot today." "Eh?" "I said it's hot today."
expressing enquiry"What do you think of that, eh?"
expressing surprise"Eh! Really?"
inviting agreement"Let's go, eh?"
erexpressing hesitation"Lima is the capital of...er...Peru."
hello, hulloexpressing greeting"Hello John. How are you today?"
expressing surprise"Hello! My car's gone!"
heycalling attention"Hey! look at that!"
expressing surprise, joy etc"Hey! What a good idea!"
hiexpressing greeting"Hi! What's new?"
hmmexpressing hesitation, doubt or disagreement"Hmm. I'm not so sure."
oh, oexpressing surprise"Oh! You're here!"
expressing pain"Oh! I've got a toothache."
expressing pleading"Oh, please say 'yes'!"
ouchexpressing pain"Ouch! That hurts!"
uhexpressing hesitation"Uh...I don't know the answer to that."
uh-huhexpressing agreement"Shall we go?" "Uh-huh."
um, ummexpressing hesitation"85 divided by 5 is...um...17."
wellexpressing surprise"Well I never!"
introducing a remark"Well, what did he say?"

Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Question Words

There are a number of words in the English language that are used primarily to make questions; these words are ‘question words’, sometimes known as ‘WH question words’ owing to the fact that all of them contain the letters ‘w’ and ‘h’. Here are the question words and their functions:

‘What’ is used when asking for information about something, as in
What did you do last evening?
What would you like for dinner?
What did you say when you were caught?

‘When’ is used when asking for time, as in
When do you arrive?
When is the show?
When did that happen?

‘Where’ is used when asking for place, as in
Where do we go now?
Where have you kept the book?
Where do you go for your tuitions?

‘Who’ is used when asking for identity of person or persons, as in
Who is that?
Who wrote Moby Dick?
Who called earlier?
Note: For the differences between ‘who’ and ‘whom’ (a variation of the former), see the article.

‘Whose’ is used when asking about possession, as in
Whose car is this?
Whose place are you staying at?
Whose are these shoes?

‘Which’ is used when asking about choice, as in
Which flavour of ice cream would you like?
Which route do you think we should take?
Which of the two is better?

‘Why’ is used when asking for reasons, as in
Why would you say something like that?
Why does the food smell bad?
Why did you not go for work today?

‘How’ is used when asking about manner or quality/condition, as in
How did you do that?
How was the movie?
How is life?


The followings are simple suggestions that English students should do to improve their English

1. Study English regularly. The first step is listening. We must listen to English words, sentences or pronunciation. The second step is trying to know how they are written. When we have known then the third step is reading. We need to read the words or sentences a few times until our English pronunciation is really correct. If we can read well then the fourth step is writing. Try to write the sentences or words in correct spelling.
2. When we study an english we listen, speak or read, and write. The most important thing that we need to master English fast is thinking in English. Surround yourself with English including your mind. In other words, THINK in ENGLISH. It seems weird but you need to do that. Some people say that the indicator for this is when you sleep and dream in English. The next morning when you wake up, try to remember whether last night you dreamed in English.
3. Practice English with anybody. You can practice speaking English with friends, teachers, neighbors, co-workers.
4. Don't forget to spend time reading English short stories, novel or books.
5. If you are serious with your learning. Maybe you can begin write in English. If you are not sure about the spelling of certain English words, look them up in your dictionary.
Learning English cannot be accomplished in just one night. It needs patient and perseverance. When you learn English regularly, day by day, your English will be better.
Good luck.

English Vocabularies
regularly: secara teratur
pronunciation: pengucapan
correct spelling: ejaan yang benar
surround yourself: kelilingilah dirimu
indicator: petunjuk
certain English words: kata-kata bahasa Inggris tertentu
dictionary: kamus


Gabungan beberapa kata yg berfungsi sebagai kata benda yg mengandung satu kesatuan arti.

1.noun+noun (postmen,bathrooms,office boys)

2.noun+verb (a handshake,a wage-freeze,a lifeguard)

3.noun+gerund (data processing,handwriting,housekeeping)

4.noun+prepositional phrase (a brother in law,stock in trade,)

5.noun+of+noun (a piece of meat,an army of soldiers,a type of metal